Friday, April 18, 2008

Urinary tract (UTI) / Bladder Infections

Fight the infection naturally!

Three out of five women get bladder infections. Some people say that you shouldn’t attempt to cure it yourself. “The doctor is the solution,” they say. All the doctor does is prescribe an antibiotic. I went on an antibiotic once to fight off a bladder infection, and I haven’t been the same since….seriously! I don’t think people realize how horrible antibiotics are for one’s health. It may get rid of the illness temporarily, but it only weakens the immune system and causes more problems in the long run. The doctor has to up the dosage of antibiotic every time it is used, because the body becomes immune to it.

I have found that using any or all of the natural products below helps me to shake a bladder infection, or any sign of one, usually within a day...sometimes longer. It's important to catch it early! Bladder infections can become serious if they reach the kidneys!!! Sometimes going the natural way may take longer; even if it seems like the infection is gone, it's important to keep taking cranberry and drinking.
  • Canned asparagus juice
  • ½ t. baking soda in 8 oz. water
  • Plain yogurt
  • Pure cranberry juice or capsules (I find that capsules are better. Drinking cranberry juice gave me tooth aches in the past.)
  • Uva Ursi
  • Corn Silk
  • Goldenseal
  • Drink water, drink water, drink water!

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